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Promotional biscuits or cookies are baked products that have branding, logos, or messaging on them and are used as a marketing tool to promote a company, product, or service. They can be used for a variety of objectives, such as a trade fair or event giveaway, a thank-you present for customers, or as part of a marketing effort.

Promotional biscuits or cookies can be round, square, or heart-shaped, and can be manufactured in a variety of flavours such as chocolate chip, oatmeal, or sugar. To further advertise a business or product, the packaging might be personalised with branding, logos, or text.

Using promotional biscuits or cookies can be an effective marketing strategy because they are a tasty and enjoyable treat that can create a positive association with a business or product. They can also provide a unique and memorable way to promote a business, as customized packaging and branding can help to make a lasting impression on recipients. Additionally, biscuits or cookies can be easily shared with others, increasing the potential reach of the branding or messaging.