Returns & Refunds

Refunds & Returns

For orders which have been damaged in transit please inform us within 48 hours of delivery. For any orders deemed to be faulty, please inform us within 7 days of receiving the items. All items which have been made to order or printed cannot be returned, these are considered as personalized items and cannot be resold.

Restocking Fee

Everything Promo only accepts returns on blank stock, returns are subject to a restocking at the discretion of our manufacturer. A restocking can range from 10-25% of the item cost. Everything Promo will not be responsible for the cost for the goods to be returned from the manufacturer.

Damaged or faulty orders

For orders which have been damaged in transit please inform us within 48 hours of delivery. For any orders deemed to be faulty, please inform us within 7 days of receiving the items.

Receiving your refund

All refunds will be processed within 5 days business days.


All printed stock is non-returnable due to the bespoke nature of the print. These are considered personalised goods made to your specifications and cannot be re-sold to anyone else.

If there is a print error deemed to be our fault, we will offer to re-print the products or provide a refund as above.

Contact Us


Call us: 0116 326 2040